Mastering Bit Manipulation in Java

Selva Kumar
6 min readMay 1, 2023


Bit manipulation is a powerful technique in programming that can help you solve problems more efficiently. It involves using bitwise operators to manipulate individual bits in a number, which can lead to faster and more compact code. In this post, we’ll explore some common bit manipulation techniques in Java and how to use them effectively.

Bitwise Operators

Before we dive into bit manipulation, let’s review the bitwise operators in Java:

  • & (and) — performs a bitwise AND operation between two numbers, resulting in a new number where each bit is 1 if and only if both corresponding bits are 1.
  • | (or) — performs a bitwise OR operation between two numbers, resulting in a new number where each bit is 1 if either corresponding bit is 1.
  • ^ (xor) — performs a bitwise XOR operation between two numbers, resulting in a new number where each bit is 1 if and only if exactly one corresponding bit is 1.
  • ~ (not) — performs a bitwise NOT operation on a number, resulting in a new number where each bit is the opposite of its corresponding bit in the original number.
  • << (left shift) — shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions, effectively multiplying the number by 2 to the power of the shift amount.
  • Arithmetic/signed right shift: >> is the arithmetic (or signed) right shift operator.
  • Logical/unsigned right shift: >>> is the logical (or unsigned) right shift operator.

Using Bitwise Operators

Now that we understand the bitwise operators, let’s look at some common use cases for bit manipulation.

  1. Set a Bit

To set a particular bit in a number to 1, we can use the OR operator with a bit mask. For example, to set the third bit of a number to 1, we can use the following code:

int num = 5; // 00000101
int bitMask = 1 << 2; // 00000100
int result = num | bitMask; // 00000101 | 00000100 = 00000101

The bitMask is created by shifting the number 1 to the left by the number of positions we want to set. In this case, we shift 1 to the left by 2 positions to get 00000100. Then we use the OR operator to set the third bit of num to 1.

2. Clear a Bit

To clear a particular bit in a number to 0, we can use the AND operator with a bit mask. For example, to clear the third bit of a number to 0, we can use the following code:

int num = 7; // 00000111
int bitMask = ~(1 << 2); // 11111011
int result = num & bitMask; // 00000111 & 11111011 = 00000101

The bitMask is created by taking the complement of a bit mask that has a 1 in the position we want to clear and 0s everywhere else. In this case, we create a bit mask with a 1 in the third position by shifting 1 to the left by 2 positions and then taking the complement using the NOT operator. This gives us 11111011. Then we use the AND operator to clear the third bit of num.

3. Toggle a Bit

To toggle a particular bit in a number, we can use the XOR operator with a bit mask. For example, to toggle the third bit of a number, we can use the following code:

int num = 6; // 00000110
int bitMask = 1 << 2; // 00000100
int result = num ^ bitMask; // 00000110 ^ 00000100 = 00000010

The bitMask is created in the same way as in the previous example. Then we use the XOR operator to toggle the third bit of num.

4. Check if a Bit is Set

To check if a particular bit in a number is set, we can use the AND operator with a bit mask. For example, to check if the third bit of a number is set, we can use the following code:

int num = 5; // 00000101
int bitMask = 1 << 2; // 00000100
boolean isSet = (num & bitMask) != 0; // (00000101 & 00000100) != 0 => true

We use the AND operator to check if the third bit of num is set. If the result is not equal to 0, then the bit is set.

5. Bit Count

To count the number of bits set to 1 in a number, we can use the built-in Integer.bitCount() method. For example:

int num = 7; // 00000111
int count = Integer.bitCount(num); // 3

This method counts the number of bits set to 1 in a number using a fast algorithm.

6. Check if a Number is Power of Two

To check if a given number is a power of two, we can use the bitwise AND operator. A number that is a power of two will have only one bit set to 1. For example:

int num = 16; // 00010000
boolean isPowerOfTwo = (num & (num - 1)) == 0; // true

Here, we use the bitwise AND operator to check if num and num - 1 have any common set bits. If they don't, it means that num has only one bit set to 1, and is therefore a power of two.

7. Swap Two Numbers

We can swap the values of two variables without using a temporary variable using bitwise XOR operator. For example:

int a = 5; // 00000101
int b = 9; // 00001001
a = a ^ b; // a = 00001100
b = a ^ b; // b = 00000101
a = a ^ b; // a = 00001001

Here, we use bitwise XOR to swap the values of a and b without using a temporary variable.

8. Check if a Number is Even or Odd

To check if a given number is even or odd, we can use the bitwise AND operator. An even number will have its least significant bit (rightmost bit) set to 0, while an odd number will have it set to 1. For example:

int num = 6; // 00000110
boolean isEven = (num & 1) == 0; // true

Here, we use the bitwise AND operator to check if the least significant bit of num is set to 0 or 1. If it's 0, then num is even, otherwise it's odd.

9. Set All Bits to 1

To set all bits of a number to 1, we can use the bitwise NOT operator (~) with 0. For example:

int num = 5; // 00000101
int allOnes = ~0; // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
int result = num | allOnes; // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101

Here, we use the bitwise NOT operator to create a number with all bits set to 1, and then use the bitwise OR operator to set all bits of num to 1.

10. Convert Characters to Uppercase or Lowercase

We can convert a character to uppercase or lowercase using bitwise OR operator and bitwise XOR operator. Here’s an example:

char c = 'a'; // lowercase 'a' in ASCII
char upperC = (char) (c & ~32); // uppercase 'A' in ASCII or use c ^ 32
char lowerC = (char) (c | 32); // lowercase 'a' in ASCII

In the ASCII character set, the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters is a single bit in the sixth position. The uppercase letter has this bit set to 0, while the lowercase letter has it set to 1. To convert a lowercase letter to uppercase, we can use the bitwise AND operator with the bit mask ~32, which sets the sixth bit to 0. To convert an uppercase letter to lowercase, we can use the bitwise OR operator with the bit mask 32, which sets the sixth bit to 1.

In the example above, we convert the character ‘a’ to uppercase and lowercase using these bitwise operations. We use a type cast to convert the result back to a char data type.

By using these bitwise tricks, you can convert characters to uppercase or lowercase without using any string manipulation functions, which can be useful in situations where you need to optimize your code for performance.


In this post, we’ve covered some common bit manipulation techniques in Java. Bit manipulation can be a powerful tool in programming, but it’s important to use it judiciously and only when necessary. By using these techniques, you can write faster and more efficient code that can handle large amounts of data with ease.

I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

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Selva Kumar
Selva Kumar

Written by Selva Kumar

Software Developer, Enthusiastic about expanding technical skills and emerging technologies, learning artist on Pencil & Painting.

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